i'm 17 years old. The first time i did meth i was 15, one of my very best friends gave me some one night we were partying & getting drunk. i never knew he was a meth user until the night he "smoked me out" before then i quite frankly didnt even know what meth was. after the first time i tried it i used for up to 5 days at times. when i would get high on meth i would literally sit in the exact same spot (except for the times i'd get up to hit the pipe) and tweak out on my drawing for up to 17 hours straight; just sitting in the exact same spot. i would obsess over every detail & if one tiny little line was "messed up" i'd start over again. by the time i would finally get up i'd have only one masterpiece & a huge stack-full of my "fuck-ups" i've heard of people tweaking out & doing other random stuff, but never to the point where they'd have huge blisters on their thumb from hold a pen for 17 hours straight. if you've never tried meth, i stronly recommend you don't. it is literally the devil's drug, and it's extremely hard for you to get away once you're in the dope game.