Take Action
Get Help

If you are concerned someone you care about is using Meth and needs help, consult the resources below to find a treatment facility or support group near you.

Speak Up
Some people write stories. Others take photos. And some pick up a paintbrush. Share your message about Meth and join the conversation. Need inspiration to get started? Create a drawing or video based on a real story.
Spread the Word
Hold a screening of the Meth Project ads or the HBO documentary “Montana Meth”, create your own fundraising event, or simply spread the word by sharing content from methproject.org on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, in school or at home.

Recognizing the signs of Meth use is a first step in intervention. If the person you are concerned about is exhibiting a majority of the behaviors described below, they may need your help. Not every user will display all of these symptoms and other illicit drugs may also cause similar behaviors.
Signs may include:
Changes in physical appearance including deteriorating hair, skin, or teeth
Obsessively picking at hair or skin
Excessive sweating that’s not from heat or physical activity
Letting themselves go physically, and not showering or caring how they look
Decreased appetite and unhealthy weight loss
Dilated pupils and rapid eye movement
Unusual or foul body odor—some may smell like ammonia
Burn marks on fingers or mouth
Strange sleeping patterns—staying up for days or even weeks
Jerky, erratic movements, twitching, facial tics, animated, or exaggerated mannerisms and incessant talking
Does repetitive, meaningless tasks like disassembling electronics or other household items for no apparent reason
Possession of drug paraphernalia like glass pipes, burnt spoons, cutoff straws, or needles
Borrowing money often, selling possessions, or stealing
Angry outbursts, mood swings, or overall change in attitude
Acting paranoid or talking about being in danger, even though there is no reason to feel threatened
Psychotic behavior characterized by paranoia and hallucinations