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mother on meth

When i was little me and my little brother would always be at my grandpa's house.We would call and call and call but my mother would never answer.Usually when she did answer she would tell us she was on her way.My brother and I usually would look out the glass door waiting we would almost always end up waiting until 1:00 in the morning or even later.I would always try to hide the fact my mom was on meth for the safety of my brother.My step father and my mom would always get in fights and end up going to jail me and my brother would always cry over this.Not 2 many years after i moved to my grandma's scared to leave my brother behind but the main reason i moved was because she abused me she slap kick and beat me .But now its 2012 she's been to jail more than 6 times this year she would call every day and say she would change when she got out she was good for a week but then went straight back to meth.Today she is in jail for being a runaway meth and fighting a police officier.My brother stays with me my grandma and my great grandpa.while she serves her time.Yesturday my grandma asked me to never do meth and i said not even once.The Meth Prodject people came down to my school and told use about meth.The very nice lady gave use this website to go on.So im using this website to speak up and hold back on my feelings.

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