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Chance in life

He was young when he started. We never notice the difference. Sometimes we would ask, "Where does he go at night?". We really didn't care because we thought he was with his friends, but we never imagined him using drugs. He wasn't different. He was always making people laugh and always having a smile in his face. Until he had an drug overdose. I remember that night clearly. It was the middle of the night, I was woken up by this loud thump. I get up and go see what was it. I see my brother trying to break down my brother's door. I didn't know what was happening. I see my mom, my dad, and my sisters scared to see what was on the other side of that door. I ask my mother what was going on. She told me that she heard this loud noise in my brother's room. They finally get the door open and we see my brother slamming himself against his dresser. We take him out and sit him down. We try talking to him but all he could he do was mumble. We call 911 and when they arrive they tell us he is having a drug overdose and they take him immediately to the ER. When my brother came home the next day we were all relieved that he was alive. We thought he would never use again, but that wasn't the case. A couple of months later, he was being strange again. He started stealing and putting himself in danger all the time. Everyone would question if he was using again but no one bother to ask him, if someone did he would get angry. He got into serious trouble were he was about to go to jail for a very long time. I cried so hard because I didn't want my brother in jail. He changed and he got a second chance. He promised me he was NEVER going to do it again. A few weeks later he started again. I got so mad and hurt that I completely stop talking to him. I was mad because he had so many chances in life and he was taking them for granted. We stop speaking for a very long time. I try forgiving him but I couldn't. I could no longer trust him. But during those years that I was speaking to him, he started improving his life. He went back to school and at age 26 he finally figure what he wanted to do. He joined the Navy, I was very proud of him and now I see he is a changed person. I do miss him but I know he is happy were he is, and as long, as he isn't getting into trouble I will always be proud and grateful. Crystal meth destroys families. Take an action and stop! Because life isn't so short and if you are still here that means you're getting another chance in life, so take it!!

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