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answered and unanswered prayers

Pictured on the left is me a few months ago in Phoenix Arizona.....Strung out on crystal Meth. a shell of my former self.....The right.... Is me today in Virginia something like 24 days clean and 36 pounds heavier! Humbled and grateful for yet another shot at this great adventure called life....where we all quite often encounter our own demons....and seemingly least often encounter the most beautiful angels in the world that make it all worth all the days that i have prayed that i would never wake up! Thank you God for those unanswered prayers....and more than that Thank you for all the angels that prayed the great prayers that you did answer.

Pictured on the left is me a few months ago in Phoenix Arizona.....Strung out on crystal Meth. a shell of my former self.....The right.... Is me today in Virginia something like 24 days clean and 36 pounds heavier! Humbled and grateful for yet another shot at this great adventure called life....where we all quite often encounter our own demons....and seemingly least often encounter the most beautiful angels in the world that make it all worth all the days that i have prayed that i would never wake up! Thank you God for those unanswered prayers....and more than that Thank you for all the angels that prayed the great prayers that you did answer.

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