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‹ Back to GalleryUNexpected lesson
I recently started dating a guy who at first seemed to be everything I was looking for. He was funny, charming and we had a strong connection. We were always together, and we had so much fun. But after awhile I started noticing some weird changes in his behavior. It was early fall and the weather had cooled down a lot but we would be driving and he would start sweating uncontrollably. He would seem uncomfortable or agigitated by the smallest things I did and said, and he always was paranoid about things like me cheating on him or on the constant lookout for police. He was always worried about money and would pawn his belongings or ask me if he could borrow some. We would get in fights because at night he would want to borrow my car. I let him a few times and at first he would stick to what he said, but eventually he started disappearing all night and not coming back when he said. It would bother me to wonder what he was doing all night and who he was with and I started to worry. It even got to the point where I couldn't' sleep. I started suspecting that he was a meth user but didn't have proof until we went to a friend's together and a friend offered us to smoke. I declined, but he joined her and what happened after was the scariest night of my life. Meth makes people change into something they are not--no matter the person there are always SOME negative side effects, if not ALL of them occur. Just because someone doesn't have each and every one of the typical "symptoms" doesn't mean they can't be a user. My bf had smooth clear skin free from pock marks and scabs and never portrayed any of the "tweaker" actions or behavior so I thought maybe his addiction wasn't serious. But It can take time for those symptoms to show up and sometimes those might not even be the worst one. We ended up getting into another fight about borrowing the car and about him believing I was cheating, and that's when things got bad. He screamed at me, berated and belittled me and even got physical. He hit me with my phone and also slammed on the brakes of my car while he was driving and I flew forward, hitting the dash and the window. The way he screamed at me and the look in his eye seemed inhuman, it was horrifying. He was trying to manipulate me into helping his fund his habit--I later found out the reason he always wanted to buy my car was to sell drugs or to help a dealer or friend out with rides in order to get free crystal. Be careful who u trust and what you believe--someone you least expect could have a serious problem and it's important to educate yourself about the facts. All I know is that meth is extremely horrfying experience for those who do it and the people around them. Don't try it not even once.