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METH, YOU took my hand and led me down that dark, terrifying path, deep into the woods of despair and threw me in that deep hole with no light, nothing but darkness, where I was lost and desperate to get out, but couldn’t grasp onto a single rock or root to pull myself up out of the hole. You sat there with me and kept feeding me your lies and wouldn’t listen when I told you “NO!” You raped me, METH! You raped me with every pipe that I put to my lips, You raped me with every needle that I stuck in my arm leaving me bloody and beaten each and every time! You led me into total isolation and forced me to GIVE UP EVERYTHING. HOWEVER, what you didn’t know is: A) I accepted defeat and surrendered to whatever GOD would have in store for me. B) I am a STRONG DUDE and through my defeat and surrender I was able to build my strength and get back on my feet and built the courage to face YOU head on! And I promise you if you ever cross my path again I will show you how strong I am and I will BEAT YOU TO DEATH with my BARE HANDS! You don’t have ANY IDEA WHO YOU ARE MESSING WITH! C) I am a loyal friend and family member, METH. I won’t have my friends and family’s back’s if you try to tempt them with your deceitful charms, I WILL BE AT THE FRONT OF THE LINE AND I WILL LIGHT YOU UP WITH A RIGHTEOUS VENGENCE AS I CONQUER YOU AND SHOVE YOU DOWN IN THE HOLE THAT YOU DUG FOR ME! D) I will win this war, METH! You have already lost! STAY AWAY FROM ME, MY FAMILY AND MY FRIENDS! BETTER YET, LIGHT YOURSELF ON FIRE SO THE WHOLE WORLD CAN HEAR YOUR SCREAMS AND AGONY, AND SET EVERYONE FREE WHO IS STILL SUFFERING FROM YOUR LIES AND MISGUIDANCE! SET THEM FREE, AND MAYBE WE CAN CALL IT EVEN. KEEP IT UP, AND YOU WILL EXPERIENCE A WAR FAR GREATER THAN ANY YOU HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED, THE SAME WAR THAT I FIGHT EVERY DAY!

Always remember, I MADE YOU, YOU DIDN’T MAKE ME! Never Again Yours Truly, Chad Ferguson

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