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Disease of addiction

A new way of life

One thing I want to make clear here that I think a lot of people don't understand. This is from the Narcotics Anonymous Step Working Guide Chapter One on Step One which is, "we admitted we were powerless over our addiction and our lives had become unmanageable. The disease of addiction What makes us addicts is the disease of addiction-not the drugs, not our behavior, but our disease. There is something within us that makes us unable to control our use of drugs. This same "something" also makes us prone to obsession and compulsion in other areas of our lives. How can we tell when our disease is active? When we become trapped in obsessive, compulsive, self-centered routines, endless loops that lead nowhere but to physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional decay." Don't get my wrong, I was in a serious meth addiction for 5 years. My life was hell. But if you're an addict with the disease of addiction then stopping meth will not solve the problem. Because I end up swapping addictions. If its not drugs it was sex, relationships, food, shopping, anything to avoid reality. The only way my life got better was to surrender, give up, and turn my life over to a power greater than myself. I jumped into NA, got a sponsor, and started working the steps. I've changed my life and if I could do it anyone can! Just don't pick up no matter what! Today I don't want to kill myself everyday and I actually like the person I am. Which is a huge milestone from 2 years ago. Thanks for reading if you have! Stay in Today!

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