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Husband on meth

Hello my husband is on meth as we speak. He was an addict 20 years ago in California and moved to Florida to escape meth and the addiction. I met him in 2005 and we married quickly...Suddenly almost a year ago to this day I did not recogize my husband. He had violent outbursts, would stay in the bar night after night and infidelity started with multiple women. I could not figure out what had happened. he was Jekyl and Hyde. There were strange people around all the time, with no jobs and he wanted to be around them constantly. He moved out and in with another woman within a week of meeting her at a bar. I saw him two months ago and he has dropped at least 40-50 lbs. he has quit worrying about his appearance and acts as if our family never existed. She does it too...smokes it to lose weight. He claims he is happier with her and angry at me because I didnt fit in with his new found friends and bar trash. I see them from time to time and it breaks my heart. he looks horrible, he picks fights with people, about to lose his job and walked away from our marriage and beautiful home to live in a shack. The woman is unattractive, doesnt work and has nothing going for her at all. she is also 10 years older... I know he is smoking meth, I smell chemicals whenever I do see him. The drug has taken over his life again and his family will not listen or step in. Its a matter of time before they find him dead Im afraid. so sad....a life ruined.

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