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why did meth have to take my daddy?

Well this is my story... it started before i was born when my dad first tried meth but he was sort of on and off with it i remeber being little and my dad would take me fishing but all the changed after i turned 5 and he began going to kore and more partys. He neglectes me my mom my sis and my bro and acted like we never exsisted. He then came the time when i turned 13 and fiunsaw him smoke crystal meth in the truck while we were camping at groose fairy lake. :/ by this time the voices had become more frequint an he thought he was gonna get murdered by some hit man from the mephis mophia wich aperintly my mother was in kahoots with and aperintly my mother was a whore as well wich she is not. :l then he began asking her if she was cheating on himhim and she would of cource answer no till he got to the point that he said if he found out she was lilieing that he wohld bring her to an empty field make her dig her own grave and then shoot her into it. He would make her sleep on the couch on the rare acation that he even let her sleep and would cuddle up behind her and use her as a human sheild cause he was so afraid that they woyld come kill him. So after that he began cutting my moms internet wires cause he thought she had an online sex ring so i tried to stop him once and he beat me and my mom till he was satisfied then left and watched tv. It got so bad that ohe wouldnt even leave the house cause thoufht my mom was fuckinf the neighbors so he litter dint leave the house for 3 months and tortuered my mother physical sexualy (he raped her and would have her bawling for hours) and emotionaly.eventouly on the last night before my mom got a restraining order he had put his hands around her throat and wouldnt let her sleep i can remeber that intire night just hearing him trieing to wet his moth cause of the meth and the fact his mouth could beraly produce sulivia (its a symtom of meth abuse and by this time he was doing it about 6 times a week) then after trying to get me to call my mother a whore for about 15 minutes he eventouly went to sleep. In the morning when we all woke up he had left and left his phone to. Mduring that night

though my mom had argued with my dad and he had taken a flee bargen wich had gone a recent drug charge :/ she came into my room and laid on my bed between my sister and me crying how it eould never stop pretty much that everything was hopeless and i was so angry and upset with her that i told her that the only way to make it stop was if she made it stop herself. She left my room pissed then the next morning when ee were finaly home alone one she finaly called and got a restraining order aginst him. Aftwr 18 months of hell we thought it was over ibtill the next that we got home and he had came home about 2 hours after we arived. He littlery ripped the door frameinf off of one door and broke the dead bolt and regualr lock to get one door open and he litterly ripped on off the henges to get in to the dining room with my mom when he got it it wasnt my dad i saw it was meth. He had no emtion on his face he just looked completely evil and i had 911 on the phone but i was still shakeing uncontrollably. He scaird me so bad that im still tromatized and when we had to go to court wich he skipped out on to get the restraining order i was shakeing at just the thoufht of haveing to see him. Its been two weeks sence my mom got the restraining order and he hasnt bothered us yet but this is what happena when parent do meth they become skitzophrenic phycos and sca loose there familys my dad chose meth over me and my mother and sibiling (yes this is all a true stoey i swear to god) meth will destory your life and youl only end up alone if you dp it so please anyone who is doing please think about people who care about you and please dont ever do meth please it ruined a 20 year marrige so there is no telling hat elsr it can do. It destoryed my daddy and ill never have him back. Lease anyone readung this dont be like him.

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