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I have always been a drug user since I was 13teen up until I was 29 I was intruduced to METH not thinking of how BAD of a DRUG it is. I had good friend that had been a user of METH since she was 13teen I would have never know she was a user until one day I came to her home and walk into walk smell like chemicals the room was very smokey and it was there when she introduced me to it. I became instantly HOOK she knew what she was doing I became the one that would supply us with our fix. I had a great paying JOB making good money but all that when away I used evey last dime and at last the one friend I thought was my friend was no longer my friend. I lost my job my family everything. Most of my memories are gone my mind sits in a blurr but GOD was merciful on me and gave me a second chance at life!