A Word On Tweaking
There are a lot of ways to explain tweaking.
Roll over a keyword to see how some describe it.

Feelings of fear, worry, uneasiness, and dread. Methamphetamine produces overwhelming feelings of anxiety in users by stimulating the area of the brain that regulates emotion.
The ability to suppress a behavior—either before it starts or once it's already underway—depends upon certain brain circuits working well. Methamphetamine disrupts these circuits, so users may find themselves doing things that they would normally never do. Oriah's Story
Your physical movement. Methamphetamine changes locomotor activity (like reflexes and basic physical movements) and induces random, repetitive, compulsive movements and actions such as twitching or picking at the skin as a side effect. "Looks Horrible"
Purposeless, repetitive movement or utterances. Activities can include rocking back and forth, collecting and sorting household objects, and marching in place. Users tweaking on methamphetamine can exhibit this type of repetitive, mechanical behavior. Psychotic Behavior