The chemical in the brain that allows us to feel pleasure. It is also involved in movement, learning and memory, and motivation. Initially, methamphetamine floods the brain with dopamine. With repeated use, Meth severely depletes the brain’s dopamine supply. This makes it difficult for users to feel pleasure at all, lessens their ability to think and remember, and can also affect movement. The Brain on Meth
An extreme feeling of happiness that results in confidence and an overall sense of well-being. The high from Meth makes people temporarily euphoric by overstimulating the brain. Ring the Bell
The body’s stress-response system, or natural alarm system, that prepares the body to fight or flee when danger is imminent. When this response is activated, the body’s physiology changes—blood pressure and heart rate increase, pupils become dilated, and there is a release of adrenaline. Methamphetamine unnaturally triggers this reaction, forcing the mind and body into an extended state of hyper-alertness. "FBI Watching Me"
Commonly called an “upper,” it is a substance that causes increased alertness or physical activity. A stimulant like methamphetamine first elevates mood and energy, then leads to rebound depression and anxiety. The Heart in Overdrive