How to Spot a User
There are certain physical and social signs of Meth use and recognizing them is a first step to helping a friend. Not every user will have the same symptoms, but if you notice many of the things listed here, your friend may need help. Click here to find treatment resources near you

Signs of Use
Use the sliding bar on each image to see how Meth can quickly change a user's appearance, sometimes within months.
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Fake or For Real?
One of these terms is not used to describe the effects of methamphetamine use.
Select the term you think is fake
Excessive sweating. Methamphetamine can increase the body’s temperature and heart rate, making a user sweat profusely, even with little activity. Body by Meth
A glass pipe used for smoking methamphetamine. They are usually pretty small and have a bulb shape at one end. Meth users will sometimes make these out of broken, hollowed-out light bulbs.
Involuntary shaking, twitching, or facial tics. Because of its effects on the dopamine system, methamphetamine can cause strange, uncontrollable movements, similar to the effects of Parkinson’s Disease. Tremors and twitching make it difficult for Meth users to do simple things like holding a fork or writing. "It Messed Me Up"
Doing the same thing over and over again for hours. Common tweaking behaviors exhibited by Meth users include repetitively picking at one’s face or arms, obsessive cleaning, or taking things apart for no apparent reason. "Looks Horrible"